Picture #406

Today, 19th of July 2022, one car sales session was organised in East Wood Hill, in the local medium sized parking lot.

With this occasion, producer Juggernaut launched a new model: Fire Truck MK.II.

In the same location were organised car sales sessions #050 (15th of June 2015), #317 (10th of October 2019) and #342 (3rd of March 2020).

Eight vehicles were sold at this car sales session: three blue Portsmouth Standard, three brown Regal RV2, one red Jugular Mamba and one red with white Juggernaut Fire Truck MK.II.

Model Portsmouth Standard jumped from position 4 with 38 sold cars to position 2 with 41 sold cars.

Model Jugular Mamba jumped from position 12 with 22 sold cars to position 11 with 23 sold cars.

Model Regal RV2 jumped from position 38 with 7 sold cars to position 27 with 10 sold cars.

With this car sales session, the number of vehicles in the world with the new “GraTheAut 97” plates increased from 904 to 912.

Picture #001 – #405: 1840

Picture #406: 8

Overall Models:

  1. Jugular J1: 45 (3 silver with cherry-brown interior, 4 silver with green interior, 23 beige, 5 blue, 1 silver-violet, 2 grey, 3 cherry, 4 silver with brown interior) ;
  2. Portsmouth Standard: 41 (20 blue, 7 grey violet, 5 violet, 3 light green, 6 beige) ;
  3. Challenger VU-11: 40 (10 dark blue, 10 light blue, 6 green, 11 blue-tourquoise, 3 violet) ;
  4. Flamer Taxi: 39 (39 yellow with silver insertions) ;
  5. Challenger Vulture: 34 (13 indigo, 6 violet, 6 brown, 1 beige, 1 blue-tourquoise, 5 green, 1 blue metallic, 1 light beige) ;
  6. Transit Van: 29 (29 blue and white) ;
  7. Penetrator PE-1: 27 (20 green, 4 powered-blue-green, 1 powered cherry, 2 brown-beige) ;
  8. Stinger ST-1: 26 (3 light green, 19 red, 3 blue, 1 green) ;
  9. Thunderhead TH-1: 25 (16 blue, 1 light yellow, 1 light green, 3 pink, 1 white) ;
  10. Itali Squad Car: 24 (19 blue and white, 5 black and white) ;
  11. Jugular Mamba: 23 (8 orange, 10 red, 1 cyan, 2 light green phosphorescent, 1 pink, 1 grey) ;
  12. Portsmouth Brigham: 23 (19 violet, 2 brown, 1 green-kaki, 1 violet with yellow stripes) ;
  13. Bug Model B2: 20 (3 blue, 7 dark cherry, 4 brown, 1 violet, 1 “blue 2018”, 1 striking-brown, 1 green “San Andreas”, 2 green “Vice City”) ;
  14. Cossie Hatchback: 20 (20 white) ;
  15. Penetrator Porka: 20 (14 green, 4 dark blue, 1 green “grass” with violet interior, 1 brown with purple interior) ;
  16. Itali GTO: 19 (13 red, 5 light green, 1 light blue) ;
  17. Bike Superbike: 17 (7 blue, 1 tourqoise, 6 green, 3 red) ;
  18. Thunderhead Roadster: 17 (12 blue, 3 green, 2 ocre) ;
  19. School Train Wagon MK.II: 16 (16 blue-green yellow) ;
  20. Transit Repair Van: 16 (16 white) ;
  21. Counthash CH-1: 15 (9 pink, 5 silver-grey, 1 green) ;
  22. School Coach 2: 15 (15 silver) ;
  23. Panther Decapotabil: 14 (14 light blue) ;
  24. Mundano M2: 13 (2 green M2C1, 1 grey, 9 red, 1 very light green) ;
  25. Modelcar Tiny 2: 12 (9 green-white-yellow, 3 red-white-yellow) ;
  26. Counthash F-19: 11 (2 green-tourqoise, 4 red, 1 strong pink, 1 blue, 1 strong yellow, 1 green phosphorescent, 1 red with yellow stripes) ;
  27. Regal RV2: 10 (4 brown, 2 grey, 1 light blue, 2 light green, 1 green “Veneziriza”) ;
  28. Challenger LeBonham: 9 (9 indiggo) ;
  29. Pickup PU-2: 9 (3 orange, 3 red, 3 green) ;
  30. 4×4 Off-Road-2: 8 (2 dark cherry with black insertions, 6 green-kaki with black insertions) ;
  31. Oldosmobile 29 Special: 8 (3 blue, 2 pink-violet, 1 yellow-red, 2 blue with yellow stripes) ;
  32. Oldosmobile Hotrod: 8 (5 red, 1 violet, 1 green, 1 tourqoise) ;
  33. School Squad Car 2: 8 (8 white and blue) ;
  34. Stinger Z292: 8 (1 red, 1 yellow, 2 beige with cherry interior, 1 greyed beige with green-yellow interior, 3 greyed green with green interior) ;
  35. Bike BK-2: 7 (7 silver) ;
  36. Flamer Sedan 2: 7 (6 red with yellow paint scheme, 1 golden with yellow paint scheme) ;
  37. Juggernaut Bus: 7 (7 yellow) ;
  38. Juggernaut Fire Truck Liberty: 7 (7 red with white) ;
  39. Juggernaut Tanker 2: 6 (4 green-light-beige, 2 green-black light-beige) ;
  40. Mundano MRacer: 6 (1 blue #2018, 4 red #2018, 1 striking-green) ;
  41. Penetrator San Andreas 2: 6 (1 green-greyed, 4 green, 1 grey) ;
  42. Portsmouth Evoluta: 6 (6 beige-to-brown) ;
  43. Portsmouth Taxi Mk.II: 6 (4 yellow, 2 green) ;
  44. Portsmouth Limousine: 5 (4 violet, 1 blue with green dragon) ;
  45. School Train Engine MK.II: 5 (4 blue-green-yellow, 1 blue-green-yellow with cherry doors) ;
  46. Bulldog BD-B: 3 (1 blue #1, 2 violet) ;
  47. Challenger Vulture VU-T2 Taxi: 3 (3 yellow) ;
  48. Juggernaut Truck MK.II: 3 (1 blue with black, 2 yellow with black) ;
  49. Pickup San Andreas 2: 3 (3 light beige) ;
  50. TV Van 2: 3 (1 pink-violet with white insertions, 2 green with white insertions) ;
  51. Beast GTS-2: 2 (2 blue) ;
  52. Itali Porka Turbo 2: 2 (2 tourqoise) ;
  53. Pickup PU-2A Ambulance: 2 (2 red with white) ;
  54. Juggernaut Fire Truck MK.II (1 red with white) ;
  55. Portsmouth Squad Car New Glen Wood: 1 (1 black and white).

Overall producers: 1. School: 202; 2. Portsmouth: 172; 3. Challenger: 124; 4. Bug: 116; 5. Pickup: 105; 6. Bike: 84; 7. Itali: 83; 8. Mundano: 78; 9. Regal: 77; 10. 4×4: 68; 11. Jugular: 68; 12. Transit: 65; 13. Bulldog: 64; 14. Flamer: 64; 15. Penetrator: 62; 16. Juggernaut: 60; 17. TV: 46; 18. Stinger: 42; 19. Thunderhead: 42; 20. Beast: 31; 21. Counthash: 26; 22. Cossie: 20; 23. Modelcar: 20; 24. Oldosmobile: 16; 25. Panther: 14.

Sales of Former Vehicle Producers:

  1. Impaler: 23 ;
  2. Nauticus Swim: 22 ;
  3. Stallion: 19 ;
  4. Tank: 19 ;
  5. Speeder: 13.

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