Picture #485

Today, 16th of March 2024, one car sales session was organised on Boulevard Boteanu (Bragadirua-Cider).

Six vehicles were sold: one yellow Portsmouth Taxi Mk.II, one blue Bug Model B2, one blue Portsmouth Standard, one grey-violet Portsmouth Evoluta, one light green Pickup PU-2 and one red Itali Standard 2.

Model Portsmouth Standard consolidated its first position by having sold 62 vehicles.

Model Bug Model B2 consolidated its 4th position by having sold 36 vehicles.

Model Portsmouth Evoluta consolidated its 13th position by having sold 23 vehicles.

Model Portsmouth Taxi Mk.II jumped from position 27 with 11 sold vehicles to position 24 with 12 sold vehicles.

Model Pickup PU-2 jumped from position 30 with 10 sold vehicles to position 27 with 11 sold vehicles.

Model Itali Standard 2 jumped from position 38 with 7 sold vehicles to position 32 with 8 sold vehicles.

I will present – in the image below – the top 25 All-Time Models as of 16th of March 2024 (the model Portsmouth Standard jumped from position 5 with 61 sold vehicles to position 3 with 62 sold vehicles, also the model Bug Model B2 position 20 with 35 sold vehicles to position 21 with 36 sold vehicles).

There are now 356 vehicles with the type of plates “GraTheAut 23” (128 of them in the region of San Andreas, 127 of them in the region of Vice City and 101 of them in the region of Liberty City).

Picture #001 – #484: 2217

Picture #485: 6

Overall Models:

  1. Portsmouth Standard: 62 (34 blue, 7 grey violet, 6 violet, 3 light green, 6 beige, 2 light violet) ;
  2. Challenger VU-11: 44 (12 dark blue, 12 light blue, 6 green, 11 blue-tourquoise, 3 violet) ;
  3. Penetrator PE-1: 38 (23 green, 4 powered-blue-green, 9 powered cherry, 2 brown-beige) ;
  4. Bug Model B2: 36 (6 blue, 9 dark cherry, 5 brown, 2 violet, 1 “blue 2018”, 1 striking-brown, 3 green “San Andreas”, 8 green “Vice City”, 1 light green) ;
  5. Thunderhead TH-1: 33 (21 blue, 1 light yellow, 1 light green, 5 pink, 5 white) ;
  6. Itali GTO: 32 (21 red, 10 light green, 1 light blue) ;
  7. Portsmouth Brigham: 32 (26 violet, 4 brown, 1 green-kaki, 1 violet with yellow stripes) ;
  8. Itali Squad Car: 32 (27 blue and white, 5 black and white) ;
  9. Mundano M2: 31 (2 green M2C1, 4 grey, 21 red, 1 very light green, 2 blue, 1 green M2C2) ;
  10. Penetrator Porka: 29 (20 green, 7 dark blue, 1 green “grass” with violet interior, 1 brown with purple interior) ;
  11. Jugular Mamba: 27 (8 orange, 11 red, 1 cyan, 5 light green phosphorescent, 1 pink, 1 grey) ;
  12. Transit Repair Van: 25 (25 white) ;
  13. Portsmouth Evoluta: 23 (10 beige-to-brown, 6 grey-violet, 4 violet, 3 blue) ;
  14. 4×4 Off-Road-2: 21 (5 dark cherry with black insertions, 12 green-kaki with black insertions, 4 blue with black insertions) ;
  15. Modelcar Tiny 2: 21 (12 green-white-yellow, 9 red-white-yellow) ;
  16. School Coach 2: 20 (20 silver) ;
  17. School Train Wagon MK.II: 20 (12 blue-green yellow, 8 blue-green-yellow with cherry doors) ;
  18. Regal RV2: 18 (9 brown, 5 grey, 1 light blue, 2 light green, 1 green “Veneziriza”) ;
  19. Bike BK-2: 17 (17 silver) ;
  20. Oldosmobile 29 Special: 15 (3 blue, 2 pink-violet, 1 yellow-red, 9 blue with yellow stripes) ;
  21. Juggernaut Tanker 2: 14 (12 green-light-beige, 2 green-black light-beige) ;
  22. Stinger Z292: 14 (1 red, 1 yellow, 2 beige with cherry interior, 1 greyed beige with green-yellow interior, 9 greyed green with green interior) ;
  23. TV Van 2: 13 (9 pink-violet with white insertions, 2 green with white insertions, 2 blue with white insertions) ;
  24. Portsmouth Taxi Mk.II: 12 (10 yellow, 2 green) ;
  25. Bulldog BD-B: 11 (4 blue #1, 6 violet, 1 blue-indigo) ;
  26. Challenger LeBonham: 11 (11 indiggo) ;
  27. Pickup PU-2: 11 (3 orange, 3 red, 3 green, 2 light green) ;
  28. Challenger Vulture VU-T2 Taxi: 10 (10 yellow) ;
  29. Penetrator San Andreas 2: 10 (1 green-greyed, 8 green, 1 grey) ;
  30. Juggernaut Bus: 9 (9 yellow) ;
  31. Pickup San Andreas 2: 9 (6 light beige, 3 light pink) ;
  32. Itali Standard 2: 8 (6 tourqoise, 2 red) ;
  33. Mundano MRacer: 8 (1 blue #2018, 6 red #2018, 1 striking-green) ;
  34. Portsmouth Limousine 2: 8 (4 violet, 2 blue with green dragon, 2 blue) ;
  35. Portsmouth Squad Car New Glen Wood: 8 (8 black and white) ;
  36. School Squad Car 2: 8 (8 white and blue) ;
  37. Flamer Sedan 2: 7 (6 red with yellow paint scheme, 1 golden with yellow paint scheme) ;
  38. Juggernaut Truck MK.II: 7 (3 blue with black, 4 yellow with black) ;
  39. Pickup PU-2A Ambulance: 7 (7 red with white) ;
  40. Itali Porka Turbo 2: 6 (6 tourquoise) ;
  41. School Train Engine MK.II: 6 (4 blue-green-yellow, 2 blue-green-yellow with cherry doors) ;
  42. Flamer Taxi 2: 5 (5 yellow with silver insertions) ;
  43. SPDR SPear De Roquette: 5 (2 orange, 3 pink) ;
  44. Flexebvan Tratran: 3 (3 blue and white) ;
  45. Juggernaut Fire Truck MK.II: 3 (3 red with white) ;
  46. Beast GTS-2: 2 (2 blue) ;
  47. Itali GTO Supercharged Turbo: 2 (2 light green) ;
  48. Thunderhead Roaster 2: 2 (2 blue)
  49. Jugular J2: 1 (1 beige).

Overall producers: 1. Portsmouth: 235; 2. School: 212; 3. Challenger: 142; 4. Bug: 132; 5. Itali: 118; 6. Pickup: 118; 7. Mundano: 98; 8. Bike: 96; 9. Penetrator: 86; 10. Regal: 85; 11. Transit: 82; 12. 4×4: 81; 13. Juggernaut: 80; 14. Jugular: 76; 15. Flamer: 74; 16. Bulldog: 72; 17. Thunderhead: 59; 18. TV: 56; 19. Stinger: 55; 20. Beast: 31; 21. Modelcar: 29; 22. Oldosmobile: 26; 23. SPDR: 5; 24. Flexebvan: 3.

Sales of Former Vehicle Producers:

  1. Counthash: 34 ;
  2. Impaler: 23 ;
  3. Nauticus Swim: 22 ;
  4. Cossie: 21 ;
  5. Stallion: 19 ;
  6. Tank: 19 ;
  7. Panther: 17 ;
  8. Speeder: 13.

This was the 20th car sales session organised this year and the fifth of the current car sales sessions in the region of Liberty City.

Picture #484

Today, 11th of March 2024, one car sales session was organised in Plazza Dorokanto from the the north-east of Bragadirua-Cider, the southern suburb of Liberty City.

With this occasion, the model Juggernaut Fire Truck Liberty City was retired from production.

Three red with white Juggernaut Fire Truck Liberty City were purchased by BCFD (Bragadirua-Cider Firefighting Department).

Model Juggernaut Fire Truck Liberty City jumped from position 31 with 9 sold vehicles to position 24 with 12 sold vehicles.

According to the table below, Juggernaut Fire Truck Liberty City is the 3rd model of Juggernaut from the point of view of sales – and the Juggernaut model which was for the longest period in production (3123 days) as of today, 11th of March 2024.

There are now 350 vehicles with the type of plates “GraTheAut 23” (128 of them in the region of San Andreas, 127 of them in the region of Vice City and 95 of them in the region of Liberty City).

Picture #001 – #483: 2214

Picture #484: 3

Overall Models:

  1. Portsmouth Standard: 61 (33 blue, 7 grey violet, 6 violet, 3 light green, 6 beige, 2 light violet) ;
  2. Challenger VU-11: 44 (12 dark blue, 12 light blue, 6 green, 11 blue-tourquoise, 3 violet) ;
  3. Penetrator PE-1: 38 (23 green, 4 powered-blue-green, 9 powered cherry, 2 brown-beige) ;
  4. Bug Model B2: 35 (5 blue, 9 dark cherry, 5 brown, 2 violet, 1 “blue 2018”, 1 striking-brown, 3 green “San Andreas”, 8 green “Vice City”, 1 light green) ;
  5. Thunderhead TH-1: 33 (21 blue, 1 light yellow, 1 light green, 5 pink, 5 white) ;
  6. Itali GTO: 32 (21 red, 10 light green, 1 light blue) ;
  7. Portsmouth Brigham: 32 (26 violet, 4 brown, 1 green-kaki, 1 violet with yellow stripes) ;
  8. Itali Squad Car: 32 (27 blue and white, 5 black and white) ;
  9. Mundano M2: 31 (2 green M2C1, 4 grey, 21 red, 1 very light green, 2 blue, 1 green M2C2) ;
  10. Penetrator Porka: 29 (20 green, 7 dark blue, 1 green “grass” with violet interior, 1 brown with purple interior) ;
  11. Jugular Mamba: 27 (8 orange, 11 red, 1 cyan, 5 light green phosphorescent, 1 pink, 1 grey) ;
  12. Transit Repair Van: 25 (25 white) ;
  13. Portsmouth Evoluta: 22 (10 beige-to-brown, 5 grey-violet, 4 violet, 3 blue) ;
  14. 4×4 Off-Road-2: 21 (5 dark cherry with black insertions, 12 green-kaki with black insertions, 4 blue with black insertions) ;
  15. Modelcar Tiny 2: 21 (12 green-white-yellow, 9 red-white-yellow) ;
  16. School Coach 2: 20 (20 silver) ;
  17. School Train Wagon MK.II: 20 (12 blue-green yellow, 8 blue-green-yellow with cherry doors) ;
  18. Regal RV2: 18 (9 brown, 5 grey, 1 light blue, 2 light green, 1 green “Veneziriza”) ;
  19. Bike BK-2: 17 (17 silver) ;
  20. Oldosmobile 29 Special: 15 (3 blue, 2 pink-violet, 1 yellow-red, 9 blue with yellow stripes) ;
  21. Juggernaut Tanker 2: 14 (12 green-light-beige, 2 green-black light-beige) ;
  22. Stinger Z292: 14 (1 red, 1 yellow, 2 beige with cherry interior, 1 greyed beige with green-yellow interior, 9 greyed green with green interior) ;
  23. TV Van 2: 13 (9 pink-violet with white insertions, 2 green with white insertions, 2 blue with white insertions) ;
  24. Juggernaut Fire Truck Liberty City: 12 (12 red with white) ; – MODEL RETIRED FROM PRODUCTION
  25. Bulldog BD-B: 11 (4 blue #1, 6 violet, 1 blue-indigo) ;
  26. Challenger LeBonham: 11 (11 indiggo) ;
  27. Portsmouth Taxi Mk.II: 11 (9 yellow, 2 green) ;
  28. Challenger Vulture VU-T2 Taxi: 10 (10 yellow) ;
  29. Penetrator San Andreas 2: 10 (1 green-greyed, 8 green, 1 grey) ;
  30. Pickup PU-2: 10 (3 orange, 3 red, 3 green, 1 light green) ;
  31. Juggernaut Bus: 9 (9 yellow) ;
  32. Pickup San Andreas 2: 9 (6 light beige, 3 light pink) ;
  33. Mundano MRacer: 8 (1 blue #2018, 6 red #2018, 1 striking-green) ;
  34. Portsmouth Limousine 2: 8 (4 violet, 2 blue with green dragon, 2 blue) ;
  35. Portsmouth Squad Car New Glen Wood: 8 (8 black and white) ;
  36. School Squad Car 2: 8 (8 white and blue) ;
  37. Flamer Sedan 2: 7 (6 red with yellow paint scheme, 1 golden with yellow paint scheme) ;
  38. Itali Standard 2: 7 (6 tourqoise, 1 red) ;
  39. Juggernaut Truck MK.II: 7 (3 blue with black, 4 yellow with black) ;
  40. Pickup PU-2A Ambulance: 7 (7 red with white) ;
  41. Itali Porka Turbo 2: 6 (6 tourquoise) ;
  42. School Train Engine MK.II: 6 (4 blue-green-yellow, 2 blue-green-yellow with cherry doors) ;
  43. Flamer Taxi 2: 5 (5 yellow with silver insertions) ;
  44. SPDR SPear De Roquette: 5 (2 orange, 3 pink) ;
  45. Flexebvan Tratran: 3 (3 blue and white) ;
  46. Juggernaut Fire Truck MK.II: 3 (3 red with white) ;
  47. Beast GTS-2: 2 (2 blue) ;
  48. Itali GTO Supercharged Turbo: 2 (2 light green) ;
  49. Thunderhead Roaster 2: 2 (2 blue)
  50. Jugular J2: 1 (1 beige).

Overall producers: 1. Portsmouth: 232; 2. School: 212; 3. Challenger: 142; 4. Bug: 131; 5. Itali: 117; 6. Pickup: 117; 7. Mundano: 98; 8. Bike: 96; 9. Penetrator: 86; 10. Regal: 85; 11. Transit: 82; 12. 4×4: 81; 13. Juggernaut: 80; 14. Jugular: 76; 15. Flamer: 74; 16. Bulldog: 72; 17. Thunderhead: 59; 18. TV: 56; 19. Stinger: 55; 20. Beast: 31; 21. Modelcar: 29; 22. Oldosmobile: 26; 23. SPDR: 5; 24. Flexebvan: 3.

Sales of Former Vehicle Producers:

  1. Counthash: 34 ;
  2. Impaler: 23 ;
  3. Nauticus Swim: 22 ;
  4. Cossie: 21 ;
  5. Stallion: 19 ;
  6. Tank: 19 ;
  7. Panther: 17 ;
  8. Speeder: 13.

This was the 19th car sales session organised this year and the fourth of the current car sales sessions in the region of Liberty City.

Picture #483

Today, 9th of March 2024, one car sales session was organised in New Bucharest, at the entrance in the Park Plumbuita, which is in the south of the northeastern neighbourhood Colentina.

In the same location were organised car sales session #453 from 2nd of November 2023 and car sales session #391 from 27th of May 2021.

Two cars were sold: one dark blue Challenger VU-11 and one light blue Challenger VU-11.

Model Challenger VU-11 consolidated its second position by having sold 44 cars.

I will present – in the image below – the top 25 All-Time Models as of 9th of March 2024 (the model Challenger VU-11 jumped from position 15 with 42 sold vehicles to position 13 with 44 sold vehicles).

There are now 347 vehicles with the type of plates “GraTheAut 23” (128 of them in the region of San Andreas, 127 of them in the region of Vice City and 92 of them in the region of Liberty City).

Picture #001 – #482: 2212

Picture #483: 2

Overall Models:

  1. Portsmouth Standard: 61 (33 blue, 7 grey violet, 6 violet, 3 light green, 6 beige, 2 light violet) ;
  2. Challenger VU-11: 44 (12 dark blue, 12 light blue, 6 green, 11 blue-tourquoise, 3 violet) ;
  3. Penetrator PE-1: 38 (23 green, 4 powered-blue-green, 9 powered cherry, 2 brown-beige) ;
  4. Bug Model B2: 35 (5 blue, 9 dark cherry, 5 brown, 2 violet, 1 “blue 2018”, 1 striking-brown, 3 green “San Andreas”, 8 green “Vice City”, 1 light green) ;
  5. Thunderhead TH-1: 33 (21 blue, 1 light yellow, 1 light green, 5 pink, 5 white) ;
  6. Itali GTO: 32 (21 red, 10 light green, 1 light blue) ;
  7. Portsmouth Brigham: 32 (26 violet, 4 brown, 1 green-kaki, 1 violet with yellow stripes) ;
  8. Itali Squad Car: 32 (27 blue and white, 5 black and white) ;
  9. Mundano M2: 31 (2 green M2C1, 4 grey, 21 red, 1 very light green, 2 blue, 1 green M2C2) ;
  10. Penetrator Porka: 29 (20 green, 7 dark blue, 1 green “grass” with violet interior, 1 brown with purple interior) ;
  11. Jugular Mamba: 27 (8 orange, 11 red, 1 cyan, 5 light green phosphorescent, 1 pink, 1 grey) ;
  12. Transit Repair Van: 25 (25 white) ;
  13. Portsmouth Evoluta: 22 (10 beige-to-brown, 5 grey-violet, 4 violet, 3 blue) ;
  14. 4×4 Off-Road-2: 21 (5 dark cherry with black insertions, 12 green-kaki with black insertions, 4 blue with black insertions) ;
  15. Modelcar Tiny 2: 21 (12 green-white-yellow, 9 red-white-yellow) ;
  16. School Coach 2: 20 (20 silver) ;
  17. School Train Wagon MK.II: 20 (12 blue-green yellow, 8 blue-green-yellow with cherry doors) ;
  18. Regal RV2: 18 (9 brown, 5 grey, 1 light blue, 2 light green, 1 green “Veneziriza”) ;
  19. Bike BK-2: 17 (17 silver) ;
  20. Oldosmobile 29 Special: 15 (3 blue, 2 pink-violet, 1 yellow-red, 9 blue with yellow stripes) ;
  21. Juggernaut Tanker 2: 14 (12 green-light-beige, 2 green-black light-beige) ;
  22. Stinger Z292: 14 (1 red, 1 yellow, 2 beige with cherry interior, 1 greyed beige with green-yellow interior, 9 greyed green with green interior) ;
  23. TV Van 2: 13 (9 pink-violet with white insertions, 2 green with white insertions, 2 blue with white insertions) ;
  24. Bulldog BD-B: 11 (4 blue #1, 6 violet, 1 blue-indigo) ;
  25. Challenger LeBonham: 11 (11 indiggo) ;
  26. Portsmouth Taxi Mk.II: 11 (9 yellow, 2 green) ;
  27. Challenger Vulture VU-T2 Taxi: 10 (10 yellow) ;
  28. Penetrator San Andreas 2: 10 (1 green-greyed, 8 green, 1 grey) ;
  29. Pickup PU-2: 10 (3 orange, 3 red, 3 green, 1 light green) ;
  30. Juggernaut Bus: 9 (9 yellow) ;
  31. Juggernaut Fire Truck Liberty City: 9 (9 red with white) ;
  32. Pickup San Andreas 2: 9 (6 light beige, 3 light pink) ;
  33. Mundano MRacer: 8 (1 blue #2018, 6 red #2018, 1 striking-green) ;
  34. Portsmouth Limousine 2: 8 (4 violet, 2 blue with green dragon, 2 blue) ;
  35. Portsmouth Squad Car New Glen Wood: 8 (8 black and white) ;
  36. School Squad Car 2: 8 (8 white and blue) ;
  37. Flamer Sedan 2: 7 (6 red with yellow paint scheme, 1 golden with yellow paint scheme) ;
  38. Itali Standard 2: 7 (6 tourqoise, 1 red) ;
  39. Juggernaut Truck MK.II: 7 (3 blue with black, 4 yellow with black) ;
  40. Pickup PU-2A Ambulance: 7 (7 red with white) ;
  41. Itali Porka Turbo 2: 6 (6 tourquoise) ;
  42. School Train Engine MK.II: 6 (4 blue-green-yellow, 2 blue-green-yellow with cherry doors) ;
  43. Flamer Taxi 2: 5 (5 yellow with silver insertions) ;
  44. SPDR SPear De Roquette: 5 (2 orange, 3 pink) ;
  45. Flexebvan Tratran: 3 (3 blue and white) ;
  46. Juggernaut Fire Truck MK.II: 3 (3 red with white) ;
  47. Beast GTS-2: 2 (2 blue) ;
  48. Itali GTO Supercharged Turbo: 2 (2 light green) ;
  49. Thunderhead Roaster 2: 2 (2 blue)
  50. Jugular J2: 1 (1 beige).

Overall producers: 1. Portsmouth: 232; 2. School: 212; 3. Challenger: 142; 4. Bug: 131; 5. Itali: 117; 6. Pickup: 117; 7. Mundano: 98; 8. Bike: 96; 9. Penetrator: 86; 10. Regal: 85; 11. Transit: 82; 12. 4×4: 81; 13. Juggernaut: 78; 14. Jugular: 76; 15. Flamer: 74; 16. Bulldog: 72; 17. Thunderhead: 59; 18. TV: 56; 19. Stinger: 55; 20. Beast: 31; 21. Modelcar: 29; 22. Oldosmobile: 26; 23. SPDR: 5; 24. Flexebvan: 3.

Sales of Former Vehicle Producers:

  1. Counthash: 34 ;
  2. Impaler: 23 ;
  3. Nauticus Swim: 22 ;
  4. Cossie: 21 ;
  5. Stallion: 19 ;
  6. Tank: 19 ;
  7. Panther: 17 ;
  8. Speeder: 13.

This was the 18th car sales session organised this year and the third of the current car sales sessions in the region of Liberty City.

Picture #482

Today, 6th of March 2024, I will present the fifth car sales session organised in Bragadirua-Cider, the southern suburb of Liberty City. The chosen location was Plazza Alixaxabe, which is in the south-east side of Bragadirua-Cider.

Three Stinger ST-1 were sold, two of them painted in light green color and one painted in green color.

With this occasion, the model Stinger ST-1, one of the oldest models on the market, was retired from production.

Model Stinger ST-1 jumped from position 10 with 30 sold vehicles to position 5 with 33 sold vehicles.

I will present – in the image below – the top 25 All-Time Models as of 6th of March 2024 (we noticed that TV Van and Stinger ST-1 are the only models present in this top which were retired during the year 2024).

In the top of the producers, Stinger consolidated its 19th position by having sold 55 vehicles.

There are now 345 vehicles with the type of plates “GraTheAut 23” (128 of them in the region of San Andreas, 127 of them in the region of Vice City and 90 of them in the region of Liberty City).

Picture #001 – #481: 2209

Picture #482: 3

Overall Models:

  1. Portsmouth Standard: 61 (33 blue, 7 grey violet, 6 violet, 3 light green, 6 beige, 2 light violet) ;
  2. Challenger VU-11: 42 (11 dark blue, 11 light blue, 6 green, 11 blue-tourquoise, 3 violet) ;
  3. Penetrator PE-1: 38 (23 green, 4 powered-blue-green, 9 powered cherry, 2 brown-beige) ;
  4. Bug Model B2: 35 (5 blue, 9 dark cherry, 5 brown, 2 violet, 1 “blue 2018”, 1 striking-brown, 3 green “San Andreas”, 8 green “Vice City”, 1 light green) ;
  5. Stinger ST-1: 33 (5 light green, 23 red, 3 blue, 2 green) ; – MODEL RETIRED FROM PRODUCTION
  6. Thunderhead TH-1: 33 (21 blue, 1 light yellow, 1 light green, 5 pink, 5 white) ;
  7. Itali GTO: 32 (21 red, 10 light green, 1 light blue) ;
  8. Portsmouth Brigham: 32 (26 violet, 4 brown, 1 green-kaki, 1 violet with yellow stripes) ;
  9. Itali Squad Car: 32 (27 blue and white, 5 black and white) ;
  10. Mundano M2: 31 (2 green M2C1, 4 grey, 21 red, 1 very light green, 2 blue, 1 green M2C2) ;
  11. Penetrator Porka: 29 (20 green, 7 dark blue, 1 green “grass” with violet interior, 1 brown with purple interior) ;
  12. Jugular Mamba: 27 (8 orange, 11 red, 1 cyan, 5 light green phosphorescent, 1 pink, 1 grey) ;
  13. Transit Repair Van: 25 (25 white) ;
  14. Portsmouth Evoluta: 22 (10 beige-to-brown, 5 grey-violet, 4 violet, 3 blue) ;
  15. 4×4 Off-Road-2: 21 (5 dark cherry with black insertions, 12 green-kaki with black insertions, 4 blue with black insertions) ;
  16. Modelcar Tiny 2: 21 (12 green-white-yellow, 9 red-white-yellow) ;
  17. School Coach 2: 20 (20 silver) ;
  18. School Train Wagon MK.II: 20 (12 blue-green yellow, 8 blue-green-yellow with cherry doors) ;
  19. Regal RV2: 18 (9 brown, 5 grey, 1 light blue, 2 light green, 1 green “Veneziriza”) ;
  20. Bike BK-2: 17 (17 silver) ;
  21. Oldosmobile 29 Special: 15 (3 blue, 2 pink-violet, 1 yellow-red, 9 blue with yellow stripes) ;
  22. Juggernaut Tanker 2: 14 (12 green-light-beige, 2 green-black light-beige) ;
  23. Stinger Z292: 14 (1 red, 1 yellow, 2 beige with cherry interior, 1 greyed beige with green-yellow interior, 9 greyed green with green interior) ;
  24. TV Van 2: 13 (9 pink-violet with white insertions, 2 green with white insertions, 2 blue with white insertions) ;
  25. Bulldog BD-B: 11 (4 blue #1, 6 violet, 1 blue-indigo) ;
  26. Challenger LeBonham: 11 (11 indiggo) ;
  27. Portsmouth Taxi Mk.II: 11 (9 yellow, 2 green) ;
  28. Challenger Vulture VU-T2 Taxi: 10 (10 yellow) ;
  29. Penetrator San Andreas 2: 10 (1 green-greyed, 8 green, 1 grey) ;
  30. Pickup PU-2: 10 (3 orange, 3 red, 3 green, 1 light green) ;
  31. Juggernaut Bus: 9 (9 yellow) ;
  32. Juggernaut Fire Truck Liberty City: 9 (9 red with white) ;
  33. Pickup San Andreas 2: 9 (6 light beige, 3 light pink) ;
  34. Mundano MRacer: 8 (1 blue #2018, 6 red #2018, 1 striking-green) ;
  35. Portsmouth Limousine 2: 8 (4 violet, 2 blue with green dragon, 2 blue) ;
  36. Portsmouth Squad Car New Glen Wood: 8 (8 black and white) ;
  37. School Squad Car 2: 8 (8 white and blue) ;
  38. Flamer Sedan 2: 7 (6 red with yellow paint scheme, 1 golden with yellow paint scheme) ;
  39. Itali Standard 2: 7 (6 tourqoise, 1 red) ;
  40. Juggernaut Truck MK.II: 7 (3 blue with black, 4 yellow with black) ;
  41. Pickup PU-2A Ambulance: 7 (7 red with white) ;
  42. Itali Porka Turbo 2: 6 (6 tourquoise) ;
  43. School Train Engine MK.II: 6 (4 blue-green-yellow, 2 blue-green-yellow with cherry doors) ;
  44. Flamer Taxi 2: 5 (5 yellow with silver insertions) ;
  45. SPDR SPear De Roquette: 5 (2 orange, 3 pink) ;
  46. Flexebvan Tratran: 3 (3 blue and white) ;
  47. Juggernaut Fire Truck MK.II: 3 (3 red with white) ;
  48. Beast GTS-2: 2 (2 blue) ;
  49. Itali GTO Supercharged Turbo: 2 (2 light green) ;
  50. Thunderhead Roaster 2: 2 (2 blue)
  51. Jugular J2: 1 (1 beige).

Overall producers: 1. Portsmouth: 232; 2. School: 212; 3. Challenger: 140; 4. Bug: 131; 5. Itali: 117; 6. Pickup: 117; 7. Mundano: 98; 8. Bike: 96; 9. Penetrator: 86; 10. Regal: 85; 11. Transit: 82; 12. 4×4: 81; 13. Juggernaut: 78; 14. Jugular: 76; 15. Flamer: 74; 16. Bulldog: 72; 17. Thunderhead: 59; 18. TV: 56; 19. Stinger: 55; 20. Beast: 31; 21. Modelcar: 29; 22. Oldosmobile: 26; 23. SPDR: 5; 24. Flexebvan: 3.

Sales of Former Vehicle Producers:

  1. Counthash: 34 ;
  2. Impaler: 23 ;
  3. Nauticus Swim: 22 ;
  4. Cossie: 21 ;
  5. Stallion: 19 ;
  6. Tank: 19 ;
  7. Panther: 17 ;
  8. Speeder: 13.

This was the 17th car sales session organised this year and the second of the current car sales sessions in the region of Liberty City.

Picture #481

Today, 4th of March 2024, one car sales session was organised in Brocklyn Docks (Liberty City) – in the same location where the following events were organised: car sales session #032 from 6th of May 2015, car sales session #279 from 28th of December 2018 and car sales session #339 from 13th of February 2020.

A new paint scheme – blue with white insertions – was released today for the model TV Van 2.

Two vehicles were sold today. Both of them were TV Van 2 vehicles in blue with white insertions paint scheme.

Model TV Van 2 jumped from position 27 with 11 sold vehicles to position 24 with 13 sold vehicles.

In the top of the producers, TV consolidated its 18th position by having sold 56 vehicles.

There are now 342 vehicles with the type of plates “GraTheAut 23” (128 of them in the region of San Andreas, 127 of them in the region of Vice City and 87 of them in the region of Liberty City).

Picture #001 – #480: 2207

Picture #481: 2

Overall Models:

  1. Portsmouth Standard: 61 (33 blue, 7 grey violet, 6 violet, 3 light green, 6 beige, 2 light violet) ;
  2. Challenger VU-11: 42 (11 dark blue, 11 light blue, 6 green, 11 blue-tourquoise, 3 violet) ;
  3. Penetrator PE-1: 38 (23 green, 4 powered-blue-green, 9 powered cherry, 2 brown-beige) ;
  4. Bug Model B2: 35 (5 blue, 9 dark cherry, 5 brown, 2 violet, 1 “blue 2018”, 1 striking-brown, 3 green “San Andreas”, 8 green “Vice City”, 1 light green) ;
  5. Thunderhead TH-1: 33 (21 blue, 1 light yellow, 1 light green, 5 pink, 5 white) ;
  6. Itali GTO: 32 (21 red, 10 light green, 1 light blue) ;
  7. Portsmouth Brigham: 32 (26 violet, 4 brown, 1 green-kaki, 1 violet with yellow stripes) ;
  8. Itali Squad Car: 32 (27 blue and white, 5 black and white) ;
  9. Mundano M2: 31 (2 green M2C1, 4 grey, 21 red, 1 very light green, 2 blue, 1 green M2C2) ;
  10. Stinger ST-1: 30 (3 light green, 23 red, 3 blue, 1 green) ;
  11. Penetrator Porka: 29 (20 green, 7 dark blue, 1 green “grass” with violet interior, 1 brown with purple interior) ;
  12. Jugular Mamba: 27 (8 orange, 11 red, 1 cyan, 5 light green phosphorescent, 1 pink, 1 grey) ;
  13. Transit Repair Van: 25 (25 white) ;
  14. Portsmouth Evoluta: 22 (10 beige-to-brown, 5 grey-violet, 4 violet, 3 blue) ;
  15. 4×4 Off-Road-2: 21 (5 dark cherry with black insertions, 12 green-kaki with black insertions, 4 blue with black insertions) ;
  16. Modelcar Tiny 2: 21 (12 green-white-yellow, 9 red-white-yellow) ;
  17. School Coach 2: 20 (20 silver) ;
  18. School Train Wagon MK.II: 20 (12 blue-green yellow, 8 blue-green-yellow with cherry doors) ;
  19. Regal RV2: 18 (9 brown, 5 grey, 1 light blue, 2 light green, 1 green “Veneziriza”) ;
  20. Bike BK-2: 17 (17 silver) ;
  21. Oldosmobile 29 Special: 15 (3 blue, 2 pink-violet, 1 yellow-red, 9 blue with yellow stripes) ;
  22. Juggernaut Tanker 2: 14 (12 green-light-beige, 2 green-black light-beige) ;
  23. Stinger Z292: 14 (1 red, 1 yellow, 2 beige with cherry interior, 1 greyed beige with green-yellow interior, 9 greyed green with green interior) ;
  24. TV Van 2: 13 (9 pink-violet with white insertions, 2 green with white insertions, 2 blue with white insertions) ;
  25. Bulldog BD-B: 11 (4 blue #1, 6 violet, 1 blue-indigo) ;
  26. Challenger LeBonham: 11 (11 indiggo) ;
  27. Portsmouth Taxi Mk.II: 11 (9 yellow, 2 green) ;
  28. Challenger Vulture VU-T2 Taxi: 10 (10 yellow) ;
  29. Penetrator San Andreas 2: 10 (1 green-greyed, 8 green, 1 grey) ;
  30. Pickup PU-2: 10 (3 orange, 3 red, 3 green, 1 light green) ;
  31. Juggernaut Bus: 9 (9 yellow) ;
  32. Juggernaut Fire Truck Liberty City: 9 (9 red with white) ;
  33. Pickup San Andreas 2: 9 (6 light beige, 3 light pink) ;
  34. Mundano MRacer: 8 (1 blue #2018, 6 red #2018, 1 striking-green) ;
  35. Portsmouth Limousine 2: 8 (4 violet, 2 blue with green dragon, 2 blue) ;
  36. Portsmouth Squad Car New Glen Wood: 8 (8 black and white) ;
  37. School Squad Car 2: 8 (8 white and blue) ;
  38. Flamer Sedan 2: 7 (6 red with yellow paint scheme, 1 golden with yellow paint scheme) ;
  39. Itali Standard 2: 7 (6 tourqoise, 1 red) ;
  40. Juggernaut Truck MK.II: 7 (3 blue with black, 4 yellow with black) ;
  41. Pickup PU-2A Ambulance: 7 (7 red with white) ;
  42. Itali Porka Turbo 2: 6 (6 tourquoise) ;
  43. School Train Engine MK.II: 6 (4 blue-green-yellow, 2 blue-green-yellow with cherry doors) ;
  44. Flamer Taxi 2: 5 (5 yellow with silver insertions) ;
  45. SPDR SPear De Roquette: 5 (2 orange, 3 pink) ;
  46. Flexebvan Tratran: 3 (3 blue and white) ;
  47. Juggernaut Fire Truck MK.II: 3 (3 red with white) ;
  48. Beast GTS-2: 2 (2 blue) ;
  49. Itali GTO Supercharged Turbo: 2 (2 light green) ;
  50. Thunderhead Roaster 2: 2 (2 blue)
  51. Jugular J2: 1 (1 beige).

Overall producers: 1. Portsmouth: 232; 2. School: 212; 3. Challenger: 140; 4. Bug: 131; 5. Itali: 117; 6. Pickup: 117; 7. Mundano: 98; 8. Bike: 96; 9. Penetrator: 86; 10. Regal: 85; 11. Transit: 82; 12. 4×4: 81; 13. Juggernaut: 78; 14. Jugular: 76; 15. Flamer: 74; 16. Bulldog: 72; 17. Thunderhead: 59; 18. TV: 56; 19. Stinger: 52; 20. Beast: 31; 21. Modelcar: 29; 22. Oldosmobile: 26; 23. SPDR: 5; 24. Flexebvan: 3.

Sales of Former Vehicle Producers:

  1. Counthash: 34 ;
  2. Impaler: 23 ;
  3. Nauticus Swim: 22 ;
  4. Cossie: 21 ;
  5. Stallion: 19 ;
  6. Tank: 19 ;
  7. Panther: 17 ;
  8. Speeder: 13.

This was the 16th car sales session organised this year and the first of the current car sales sessions in the region of Liberty City.

Picture #480

Today, 24th of February 2024, one car sales session was organised in New Richlandia (a suburb of Vice City), at Plazza Maghreb.

Four vehicles were sold. All of them were pink-violet with white insertions TV Van 2.

Model TV Van jumped from position 41 to position 27 with 11 sold vehicles.

In the top of the producers, TV jumped from position 19 with 50 sold vehicles to position 18 with 54 sold vehicles.

There are now 340 vehicles with the type of plates “GraTheAut 23” (128 of them in the region of San Andreas, 127 of them in the region of Vice City and 85 of them in the region of Liberty City).

Picture #001 – #479: 2203

Picture #480: 4

Overall Models:

  1. Portsmouth Standard: 61 (33 blue, 7 grey violet, 6 violet, 3 light green, 6 beige, 2 light violet) ;
  2. Challenger VU-11: 42 (11 dark blue, 11 light blue, 6 green, 11 blue-tourquoise, 3 violet) ;
  3. Penetrator PE-1: 38 (23 green, 4 powered-blue-green, 9 powered cherry, 2 brown-beige) ;
  4. Bug Model B2: 35 (5 blue, 9 dark cherry, 5 brown, 2 violet, 1 “blue 2018”, 1 striking-brown, 3 green “San Andreas”, 8 green “Vice City”, 1 light green) ;
  5. Thunderhead TH-1: 33 (21 blue, 1 light yellow, 1 light green, 5 pink, 5 white) ;
  6. Itali GTO: 32 (21 red, 10 light green, 1 light blue) ;
  7. Portsmouth Brigham: 32 (26 violet, 4 brown, 1 green-kaki, 1 violet with yellow stripes) ;
  8. Itali Squad Car: 32 (27 blue and white, 5 black and white) ;
  9. Mundano M2: 31 (2 green M2C1, 4 grey, 21 red, 1 very light green, 2 blue, 1 green M2C2) ;
  10. Stinger ST-1: 30 (3 light green, 23 red, 3 blue, 1 green) ;
  11. Penetrator Porka: 29 (20 green, 7 dark blue, 1 green “grass” with violet interior, 1 brown with purple interior) ;
  12. Jugular Mamba: 27 (8 orange, 11 red, 1 cyan, 5 light green phosphorescent, 1 pink, 1 grey) ;
  13. Transit Repair Van: 25 (25 white) ;
  14. Portsmouth Evoluta: 22 (10 beige-to-brown, 5 grey-violet, 4 violet, 3 blue) ;
  15. 4×4 Off-Road-2: 21 (5 dark cherry with black insertions, 12 green-kaki with black insertions, 4 blue with black insertions) ;
  16. Modelcar Tiny 2: 21 (12 green-white-yellow, 9 red-white-yellow) ;
  17. School Coach 2: 20 (20 silver) ;
  18. School Train Wagon MK.II: 20 (12 blue-green yellow, 8 blue-green-yellow with cherry doors) ;
  19. Regal RV2: 18 (9 brown, 5 grey, 1 light blue, 2 light green, 1 green “Veneziriza”) ;
  20. Bike BK-2: 17 (17 silver) ;
  21. Oldosmobile 29 Special: 15 (3 blue, 2 pink-violet, 1 yellow-red, 9 blue with yellow stripes) ;
  22. Juggernaut Tanker 2: 14 (12 green-light-beige, 2 green-black light-beige) ;
  23. Stinger Z292: 14 (1 red, 1 yellow, 2 beige with cherry interior, 1 greyed beige with green-yellow interior, 9 greyed green with green interior) ;
  24. Bulldog BD-B: 11 (4 blue #1, 6 violet, 1 blue-indigo) ;
  25. Challenger LeBonham: 11 (11 indiggo) ;
  26. Portsmouth Taxi Mk.II: 11 (9 yellow, 2 green) ;
  27. TV Van 2: 11 (9 pink-violet with white insertions, 2 green with white insertions) ;
  28. Challenger Vulture VU-T2 Taxi: 10 (10 yellow) ;
  29. Penetrator San Andreas 2: 10 (1 green-greyed, 8 green, 1 grey) ;
  30. Pickup PU-2: 10 (3 orange, 3 red, 3 green, 1 light green) ;
  31. Juggernaut Bus: 9 (9 yellow) ;
  32. Juggernaut Fire Truck Liberty City: 9 (9 red with white) ;
  33. Pickup San Andreas 2: 9 (6 light beige, 3 light pink) ;
  34. Mundano MRacer: 8 (1 blue #2018, 6 red #2018, 1 striking-green) ;
  35. Portsmouth Limousine 2: 8 (4 violet, 2 blue with green dragon, 2 blue) ;
  36. Portsmouth Squad Car New Glen Wood: 8 (8 black and white) ;
  37. School Squad Car 2: 8 (8 white and blue) ;
  38. Flamer Sedan 2: 7 (6 red with yellow paint scheme, 1 golden with yellow paint scheme) ;
  39. Itali Standard 2: 7 (6 tourqoise, 1 red) ;
  40. Juggernaut Truck MK.II: 7 (3 blue with black, 4 yellow with black) ;
  41. Pickup PU-2A Ambulance: 7 (7 red with white) ;
  42. Itali Porka Turbo 2: 6 (6 tourquoise) ;
  43. School Train Engine MK.II: 6 (4 blue-green-yellow, 2 blue-green-yellow with cherry doors) ;
  44. Flamer Taxi 2: 5 (5 yellow with silver insertions) ;
  45. SPDR SPear De Roquette: 5 (2 orange, 3 pink) ;
  46. Flexebvan Tratran: 3 (3 blue and white) ;
  47. Juggernaut Fire Truck MK.II: 3 (3 red with white) ;
  48. Beast GTS-2: 2 (2 blue) ;
  49. Itali GTO Supercharged Turbo: 2 (2 light green) ;
  50. Thunderhead Roaster 2: 2 (2 blue)
  51. Jugular J2: 1 (1 beige).

Overall producers: 1. Portsmouth: 232; 2. School: 212; 3. Challenger: 140; 4. Bug: 131; 5. Itali: 117; 6. Pickup: 117; 7. Mundano: 98; 8. Bike: 96; 9. Penetrator: 86; 10. Regal: 85; 11. Transit: 82; 12. 4×4: 81; 13. Juggernaut: 78; 14. Jugular: 76; 15. Flamer: 74; 16. Bulldog: 72; 17. Thunderhead: 59; 18. TV: 54; 19. Stinger: 52; 20. Beast: 31; 21. Modelcar: 29; 22. Oldosmobile: 26; 23. SPDR: 5; 24. Flexebvan: 3.

Sales of Former Vehicle Producers:

  1. Counthash: 34 ;
  2. Impaler: 23 ;
  3. Nauticus Swim: 22 ;
  4. Cossie: 21 ;
  5. Stallion: 19 ;
  6. Tank: 19 ;
  7. Panther: 17 ;
  8. Speeder: 13.

This was the 15th car sales session organised this year and the last of the current series of 10 consecutive car sales sessions in the region of Vice City.

Next week I will be in Liberty City to start a new series of 10 consecutive car sales sessions in its region.

Picture #479

Today, 20th of February 2024, one car sales session was organised in Northeast Muramur (a district of Coralezzo – which is a suburb of Vice City).

Six vehicles were sold today: one grey Mundano M2, one grey Regal RV2, one white Transit Repair Van, one green Penetrator Porka and two yellow with silver insertions Flamer Taxi.

Model Mundano M2 consolidated its 9th position by having sold 31 vehicles.

Model Penetrator Porka consolidated its 11th position by having sold 29 vehicles.

Model Transit Repair Van consolidated its 13th position by having sold 25 vehicles.

Model Regal RV2 jumped from position 20 with 17 sold vehicles to position 19 with 18 sold vehicles.

Model Flamer Taxi 2 jumped from position 46 with 3 sold vehicles to position 45 with 5 sold vehicles.

In the top of the producers, Transit jumped from position 12 with 81 sold vehicles to position 11 with 82 sold vehicles, while Flamer jumped from position 16 with 72 sold vehicles to position 15 with 74 sold vehicles. Mundano consolidated its 7th position by having sold 98 vehicles, Penetrator consolidated its 9th position by having sold 86 vehicles and Regal consolidated its 10th position by having sold 85 vehicles.

There are now 336 vehicles with the type of plates “GraTheAut 23” (128 of them in the region of San Andreas, 123 of them in the region of Vice City and 85 of them in the region of Liberty City).

Picture #001 – #478: 2197

Picture #479: 6

Overall Models:

  1. Portsmouth Standard: 61 (33 blue, 7 grey violet, 6 violet, 3 light green, 6 beige, 2 light violet) ;
  2. Challenger VU-11: 42 (11 dark blue, 11 light blue, 6 green, 11 blue-tourquoise, 3 violet) ;
  3. Penetrator PE-1: 38 (23 green, 4 powered-blue-green, 9 powered cherry, 2 brown-beige) ;
  4. Bug Model B2: 35 (5 blue, 9 dark cherry, 5 brown, 2 violet, 1 “blue 2018”, 1 striking-brown, 3 green “San Andreas”, 8 green “Vice City”, 1 light green) ;
  5. Thunderhead TH-1: 33 (21 blue, 1 light yellow, 1 light green, 5 pink, 5 white) ;
  6. Itali GTO: 32 (21 red, 10 light green, 1 light blue) ;
  7. Portsmouth Brigham: 32 (26 violet, 4 brown, 1 green-kaki, 1 violet with yellow stripes) ;
  8. Itali Squad Car: 32 (27 blue and white, 5 black and white) ;
  9. Mundano M2: 31 (2 green M2C1, 4 grey, 21 red, 1 very light green, 2 blue, 1 green M2C2) ;
  10. Stinger ST-1: 30 (3 light green, 23 red, 3 blue, 1 green) ;
  11. Penetrator Porka: 29 (20 green, 7 dark blue, 1 green “grass” with violet interior, 1 brown with purple interior) ;
  12. Jugular Mamba: 27 (8 orange, 11 red, 1 cyan, 5 light green phosphorescent, 1 pink, 1 grey) ;
  13. Transit Repair Van: 25 (25 white) ;
  14. Portsmouth Evoluta: 22 (10 beige-to-brown, 5 grey-violet, 4 violet, 3 blue) ;
  15. 4×4 Off-Road-2: 21 (5 dark cherry with black insertions, 12 green-kaki with black insertions, 4 blue with black insertions) ;
  16. Modelcar Tiny 2: 21 (12 green-white-yellow, 9 red-white-yellow) ;
  17. School Coach 2: 20 (20 silver) ;
  18. School Train Wagon MK.II: 20 (12 blue-green yellow, 8 blue-green-yellow with cherry doors) ;
  19. Regal RV2: 18 (9 brown, 5 grey, 1 light blue, 2 light green, 1 green “Veneziriza”) ;
  20. Bike BK-2: 17 (17 silver) ;
  21. Oldosmobile 29 Special: 15 (3 blue, 2 pink-violet, 1 yellow-red, 9 blue with yellow stripes) ;
  22. Juggernaut Tanker 2: 14 (12 green-light-beige, 2 green-black light-beige) ;
  23. Stinger Z292: 14 (1 red, 1 yellow, 2 beige with cherry interior, 1 greyed beige with green-yellow interior, 9 greyed green with green interior) ;
  24. Bulldog BD-B: 11 (4 blue #1, 6 violet, 1 blue-indigo) ;
  25. Challenger LeBonham: 11 (11 indiggo) ;
  26. Portsmouth Taxi Mk.II: 11 (9 yellow, 2 green) ;
  27. Challenger Vulture VU-T2 Taxi: 10 (10 yellow) ;
  28. Penetrator San Andreas 2: 10 (1 green-greyed, 8 green, 1 grey) ;
  29. Pickup PU-2: 10 (3 orange, 3 red, 3 green, 1 light green) ;
  30. Juggernaut Bus: 9 (9 yellow) ;
  31. Juggernaut Fire Truck Liberty City: 9 (9 red with white) ;
  32. Pickup San Andreas 2: 9 (6 light beige, 3 light pink) ;
  33. Mundano MRacer: 8 (1 blue #2018, 6 red #2018, 1 striking-green) ;
  34. Portsmouth Limousine 2: 8 (4 violet, 2 blue with green dragon, 2 blue) ;
  35. Portsmouth Squad Car New Glen Wood: 8 (8 black and white) ;
  36. School Squad Car 2: 8 (8 white and blue) ;
  37. Flamer Sedan 2: 7 (6 red with yellow paint scheme, 1 golden with yellow paint scheme) ;
  38. Itali Standard 2: 7 (6 tourqoise, 1 red) ;
  39. Juggernaut Truck MK.II: 7 (3 blue with black, 4 yellow with black) ;
  40. Pickup PU-2A Ambulance: 7 (7 red with white) ;
  41. TV Van 2: 7 (5 pink-violet with white insertions, 2 green with white insertions) ;
  42. Itali Porka Turbo 2: 6 (6 tourquoise) ;
  43. School Train Engine MK.II: 6 (4 blue-green-yellow, 2 blue-green-yellow with cherry doors) ;
  44. Flamer Taxi 2: 5 (5 yellow with silver insertions) ;
  45. SPDR SPear De Roquette: 5 (2 orange, 3 pink) ;
  46. Flexebvan Tratran: 3 (3 blue and white) ;
  47. Juggernaut Fire Truck MK.II: 3 (3 red with white) ;
  48. Beast GTS-2: 2 (2 blue) ;
  49. Itali GTO Supercharged Turbo: 2 (2 light green) ;
  50. Thunderhead Roaster 2: 2 (2 blue)
  51. Jugular J2: 1 (1 beige).

Overall producers: 1. Portsmouth: 232; 2. School: 212; 3. Challenger: 140; 4. Bug: 131; 5. Itali: 117; 6. Pickup: 117; 7. Mundano: 98; 8. Bike: 96; 9. Penetrator: 86; 10. Regal: 85; 11. Transit: 82; 12. 4×4: 81; 13. Juggernaut: 78; 14. Jugular: 76; 15. Flamer: 74; 16. Bulldog: 72; 17. Thunderhead: 59; 18. Stinger: 52; 19. TV: 50; 20. Beast: 31; 21. Modelcar: 29; 22. Oldosmobile: 26; 23. SPDR: 5; 24. Flexebvan: 3.

Sales of Former Vehicle Producers:

  1. Counthash: 34 ;
  2. Impaler: 23 ;
  3. Nauticus Swim: 22 ;
  4. Cossie: 21 ;
  5. Stallion: 19 ;
  6. Tank: 19 ;
  7. Panther: 17 ;
  8. Speeder: 13.

This was the 14th car sales session organised this year.

Picture #478

Today, 17th of February 2024, one car sales session was organised in New Richlandia (a suburb of Vice City), at Plazza Gregory.

With this occasion, model Oldosmobile Hotrod was retired from production.

Two vehicles were sold: one blue with yellow stripes Oldosmobile 29 Special and one red Oldosmobile Hotrod.

Model Oldosmobile 29 Special jumped from position 23 with 14 sold vehicles to position 21 with 15 sold vehicles.

Model Oldosmobile Hotrod jumped from position 29 with 10 sold vehicles to position 26 with 11 sold vehicles.

In the top of the producers, Oldosmobile consolidated its 22nd position by having sold 26 vehicles.

There are now 330 vehicles with the type of plates “GraTheAut 23” (128 of them in the region of San Andreas, 117 of them in the region of Vice City and 85 of them in the region of Liberty City).

Picture #001 – #477: 2195

Picture #478: 2

Overall Models:

  1. Portsmouth Standard: 61 (33 blue, 7 grey violet, 6 violet, 3 light green, 6 beige, 2 light violet) ;
  2. Challenger VU-11: 42 (11 dark blue, 11 light blue, 6 green, 11 blue-tourquoise, 3 violet) ;
  3. Penetrator PE-1: 38 (23 green, 4 powered-blue-green, 9 powered cherry, 2 brown-beige) ;
  4. Bug Model B2: 35 (5 blue, 9 dark cherry, 5 brown, 2 violet, 1 “blue 2018”, 1 striking-brown, 3 green “San Andreas”, 8 green “Vice City”, 1 light green) ;
  5. Thunderhead TH-1: 33 (21 blue, 1 light yellow, 1 light green, 5 pink, 5 white) ;
  6. Itali GTO: 32 (21 red, 10 light green, 1 light blue) ;
  7. Portsmouth Brigham: 32 (26 violet, 4 brown, 1 green-kaki, 1 violet with yellow stripes) ;
  8. Itali Squad Car: 32 (27 blue and white, 5 black and white) ;
  9. Mundano M2: 30 (2 green M2C1, 3 grey, 21 red, 1 very light green, 2 blue, 1 green M2C2) ;
  10. Stinger ST-1: 30 (3 light green, 23 red, 3 blue, 1 green) ;
  11. Penetrator Porka: 28 (19 green, 7 dark blue, 1 green “grass” with violet interior, 1 brown with purple interior) ;
  12. Jugular Mamba: 27 (8 orange, 11 red, 1 cyan, 5 light green phosphorescent, 1 pink, 1 grey) ;
  13. Transit Repair Van: 24 (24 white) ;
  14. Portsmouth Evoluta: 22 (10 beige-to-brown, 5 grey-violet, 4 violet, 3 blue) ;
  15. 4×4 Off-Road-2: 21 (5 dark cherry with black insertions, 12 green-kaki with black insertions, 4 blue with black insertions) ;
  16. Modelcar Tiny 2: 21 (12 green-white-yellow, 9 red-white-yellow) ;
  17. School Coach 2: 20 (20 silver) ;
  18. School Train Wagon MK.II: 20 (12 blue-green yellow, 8 blue-green-yellow with cherry doors) ;
  19. Bike BK-2: 17 (17 silver) ;
  20. Regal RV2: 17 (9 brown, 4 grey, 1 light blue, 2 light green, 1 green “Veneziriza”) ;
  21. Oldosmobile 29 Special: 15 (3 blue, 2 pink-violet, 1 yellow-red, 9 blue with yellow stripes) ;
  22. Juggernaut Tanker 2: 14 (12 green-light-beige, 2 green-black light-beige) ;
  23. Stinger Z292: 14 (1 red, 1 yellow, 2 beige with cherry interior, 1 greyed beige with green-yellow interior, 9 greyed green with green interior) ;
  24. Bulldog BD-B: 11 (4 blue #1, 6 violet, 1 blue-indigo) ;
  25. Challenger LeBonham: 11 (11 indiggo) ;
  26. Oldosmobile Hotrod: 11 (8 red, 1 violet, 1 green, 1 tourqoise) ; – MODEL RETIRED FROM PRODUCTION
  27. Portsmouth Taxi Mk.II: 11 (9 yellow, 2 green) ;
  28. Challenger Vulture VU-T2 Taxi: 10 (10 yellow) ;
  29. Penetrator San Andreas 2: 10 (1 green-greyed, 8 green, 1 grey) ;
  30. Pickup PU-2: 10 (3 orange, 3 red, 3 green, 1 light green) ;
  31. Juggernaut Bus: 9 (9 yellow) ;
  32. Juggernaut Fire Truck Liberty City: 9 (9 red with white) ;
  33. Pickup San Andreas 2: 9 (6 light beige, 3 light pink) ;
  34. Mundano MRacer: 8 (1 blue #2018, 6 red #2018, 1 striking-green) ;
  35. Portsmouth Limousine 2: 8 (4 violet, 2 blue with green dragon, 2 blue) ;
  36. Portsmouth Squad Car New Glen Wood: 8 (8 black and white) ;
  37. School Squad Car 2: 8 (8 white and blue) ;
  38. Flamer Sedan 2: 7 (6 red with yellow paint scheme, 1 golden with yellow paint scheme) ;
  39. Itali Standard 2: 7 (6 tourqoise, 1 red) ;
  40. Juggernaut Truck MK.II: 7 (3 blue with black, 4 yellow with black) ;
  41. Pickup PU-2A Ambulance: 7 (7 red with white) ;
  42. TV Van 2: 7 (5 pink-violet with white insertions, 2 green with white insertions) ;
  43. Itali Porka Turbo 2: 6 (6 tourquoise) ;
  44. School Train Engine MK.II: 6 (4 blue-green-yellow, 2 blue-green-yellow with cherry doors) ;
  45. SPDR SPear De Roquette: 5 (2 orange, 3 pink) ;
  46. Flamer Taxi 2: 3 (3 yellow with silver insertions) ;
  47. Flexebvan Tratran: 3 (3 blue and white) ;
  48. Juggernaut Fire Truck MK.II: 3 (3 red with white) ;
  49. Beast GTS-2: 2 (2 blue) ;
  50. Itali GTO Supercharged Turbo: 2 (2 light green) ;
  51. Thunderhead Roaster 2: 2 (2 blue)
  52. Jugular J2: 1 (1 beige).

Overall producers: 1. Portsmouth: 232; 2. School: 212; 3. Challenger: 140; 4. Bug: 131; 5. Itali: 117; 6. Pickup: 117; 7. Mundano: 97; 8. Bike: 96; 9. Penetrator: 85; 10. Regal: 84; 11. 4×4: 81; 12. Transit: 81; 13. Juggernaut: 78; 14. Jugular: 76; 15. Bulldog: 72; 16. Flamer: 72; 17. Thunderhead: 59; 18. Stinger: 52; 19. TV: 50; 20. Beast: 31; 21. Modelcar: 29; 22. Oldosmobile: 26; 23. SPDR: 5; 24. Flexebvan: 3.

Sales of Former Vehicle Producers:

  1. Counthash: 34 ;
  2. Impaler: 23 ;
  3. Nauticus Swim: 22 ;
  4. Cossie: 21 ;
  5. Stallion: 19 ;
  6. Tank: 19 ;
  7. Panther: 17 ;
  8. Speeder: 13.

This was the 13th car sales session organised this year.

Picture #477

Today, 10th of February 2024, one car sales session was organised in Zabrauti, an eastern suburb of Vice City. The chosen location was Plazza Mercalistu. (EDIT: I added the category “Plazza Mercalistu of Zabrauti” to be easier to search car sales sessions organised in this location.)

With this occasion, model TV Van was retired from production.

Three vehicles were sold: one blue and white Transit Van and two silver Bike BK-2.

Model Transit Van ended its production lifetime on the 4th position with 37 sold vehicles.

Model Bike BK-2 jumped from position 21 with 15 sold vehicles to position 20 with 17 sold vehicles.

I will present – in the image below – the top 25 All-Time Models as of 10th of February 2024 (we noticed that model Transit Van is the only model – present in this top on position 19 – which was retired from production during 2024, while other three models present in this top on positions 10, 13 and 16 – Jugular J1, Flamer Taxi and Challenger Vulture – were retired during 2023).

In the top of the producers, Bike consolidated its 8th position by having sold 96 vehicles, while Transit consolidated its 12th position by having sold 81 vehicles.

There are now 328 vehicles with the type of plates “GraTheAut 23” (128 of them in the region of San Andreas, 115 of them in the region of Vice City and 85 of them in the region of Liberty City).

Picture #001 – #476: 2192

Picture #477: 3

Overall Models:

  1. Portsmouth Standard: 61 (33 blue, 7 grey violet, 6 violet, 3 light green, 6 beige, 2 light violet) ;
  2. Challenger VU-11: 42 (11 dark blue, 11 light blue, 6 green, 11 blue-tourquoise, 3 violet) ;
  3. Penetrator PE-1: 38 (23 green, 4 powered-blue-green, 9 powered cherry, 2 brown-beige) ;
  4. Transit Van: 37 (37 blue and white) ; – MODEL RETIRED FROM PRODUCTION
  5. Bug Model B2: 35 (5 blue, 9 dark cherry, 5 brown, 2 violet, 1 “blue 2018”, 1 striking-brown, 3 green “San Andreas”, 8 green “Vice City”, 1 light green) ;
  6. Thunderhead TH-1: 33 (21 blue, 1 light yellow, 1 light green, 5 pink, 5 white) ;
  7. Itali GTO: 32 (21 red, 10 light green, 1 light blue) ;
  8. Portsmouth Brigham: 32 (26 violet, 4 brown, 1 green-kaki, 1 violet with yellow stripes) ;
  9. Itali Squad Car: 32 (27 blue and white, 5 black and white) ;
  10. Mundano M2: 30 (2 green M2C1, 3 grey, 21 red, 1 very light green, 2 blue, 1 green M2C2) ;
  11. Stinger ST-1: 30 (3 light green, 23 red, 3 blue, 1 green) ;
  12. Penetrator Porka: 28 (19 green, 7 dark blue, 1 green “grass” with violet interior, 1 brown with purple interior) ;
  13. Jugular Mamba: 27 (8 orange, 11 red, 1 cyan, 5 light green phosphorescent, 1 pink, 1 grey) ;
  14. Transit Repair Van: 24 (24 white) ;
  15. Portsmouth Evoluta: 22 (10 beige-to-brown, 5 grey-violet, 4 violet, 3 blue) ;
  16. 4×4 Off-Road-2: 21 (5 dark cherry with black insertions, 12 green-kaki with black insertions, 4 blue with black insertions) ;
  17. Modelcar Tiny 2: 21 (12 green-white-yellow, 9 red-white-yellow) ;
  18. School Coach 2: 20 (20 silver) ;
  19. School Train Wagon MK.II: 20 (12 blue-green yellow, 8 blue-green-yellow with cherry doors) ;
  20. Bike BK-2: 17 (17 silver) ;
  21. Regal RV2: 17 (9 brown, 4 grey, 1 light blue, 2 light green, 1 green “Veneziriza”) ;
  22. Juggernaut Tanker 2: 14 (12 green-light-beige, 2 green-black light-beige) ;
  23. Oldosmobile 29 Special: 14 (3 blue, 2 pink-violet, 1 yellow-red, 8 blue with yellow stripes) ;
  24. Stinger Z292: 14 (1 red, 1 yellow, 2 beige with cherry interior, 1 greyed beige with green-yellow interior, 9 greyed green with green interior) ;
  25. Bulldog BD-B: 11 (4 blue #1, 6 violet, 1 blue-indigo) ;
  26. Challenger LeBonham: 11 (11 indiggo) ;
  27. Portsmouth Taxi Mk.II: 11 (9 yellow, 2 green) ;
  28. Challenger Vulture VU-T2 Taxi: 10 (10 yellow) ;
  29. Oldosmobile Hotrod: 10 (7 red, 1 violet, 1 green, 1 tourqoise) ;
  30. Penetrator San Andreas 2: 10 (1 green-greyed, 8 green, 1 grey) ;
  31. Pickup PU-2: 10 (3 orange, 3 red, 3 green, 1 light green) ;
  32. Juggernaut Bus: 9 (9 yellow) ;
  33. Juggernaut Fire Truck Liberty City: 9 (9 red with white) ;
  34. Pickup San Andreas 2: 9 (6 light beige, 3 light pink) ;
  35. Mundano MRacer: 8 (1 blue #2018, 6 red #2018, 1 striking-green) ;
  36. Portsmouth Limousine 2: 8 (4 violet, 2 blue with green dragon, 2 blue) ;
  37. Portsmouth Squad Car New Glen Wood: 8 (8 black and white) ;
  38. School Squad Car 2: 8 (8 white and blue) ;
  39. Flamer Sedan 2: 7 (6 red with yellow paint scheme, 1 golden with yellow paint scheme) ;
  40. Itali Standard 2: 7 (6 tourqoise, 1 red) ;
  41. Juggernaut Truck MK.II: 7 (3 blue with black, 4 yellow with black) ;
  42. Pickup PU-2A Ambulance: 7 (7 red with white) ;
  43. TV Van 2: 7 (5 pink-violet with white insertions, 2 green with white insertions) ;
  44. Itali Porka Turbo 2: 6 (6 tourquoise) ;
  45. School Train Engine MK.II: 6 (4 blue-green-yellow, 2 blue-green-yellow with cherry doors) ;
  46. SPDR SPear De Roquette: 5 (2 orange, 3 pink) ;
  47. Flamer Taxi 2: 3 (3 yellow with silver insertions) ;
  48. Flexebvan Tratran: 3 (3 blue and white) ;
  49. Juggernaut Fire Truck MK.II: 3 (3 red with white) ;
  50. Beast GTS-2: 2 (2 blue) ;
  51. Itali GTO Supercharged Turbo: 2 (2 light green) ;
  52. Thunderhead Roaster 2: 2 (2 blue)
  53. Jugular J2: 1 (1 beige).

Overall producers: 1. Portsmouth: 232; 2. School: 212; 3. Challenger: 140; 4. Bug: 131; 5. Itali: 117; 6. Pickup: 117; 7. Mundano: 97; 8. Bike: 96; 9. Penetrator: 85; 10. Regal: 84; 11. 4×4: 81; 12. Transit: 81; 13. Juggernaut: 78; 14. Jugular: 76; 15. Bulldog: 72; 16. Flamer: 72; 17. Thunderhead: 59; 18. Stinger: 52; 19. TV: 50; 20. Beast: 31; 21. Modelcar: 29; 22. Oldosmobile: 24; 23. SPDR: 5; 24. Flexebvan: 3.

Sales of Former Vehicle Producers:

  1. Counthash: 34 ;
  2. Impaler: 23 ;
  3. Nauticus Swim: 22 ;
  4. Cossie: 21 ;
  5. Stallion: 19 ;
  6. Tank: 19 ;
  7. Panther: 17 ;
  8. Speeder: 13.

This was the 12th car sales session organised this year and the second one in the suburb Zabrauti since 20th of May 2021.

Picture #476

This article will show the second car sales session organised in Coralezzo City – today, 9th of February 2024. The chosen location for this event was East Lake Avenue (car sales session #417 from 20th of August 2022 and car sales session #445 from 14th of June 2023 were also organised on this avenue).

Six vehicles were sold: two red Mundano M2, two silver Bike BK-2, one white Transit Repair Van and one blue and white Transit Van.

Model Transit Van jumped from position 5 with 35 sold vehicles to position 4 with 36 sold vehicles.

Model Mundano M2 jumped from position 11 with 28 sold vehicles to position 10 with 30 sold vehicles.

Model Transit Repair Van consolidated its 14th position by having sold 24 vehicles.

Model Bike BK-2 jumped from position 24 with 13 sold vehicles to position 21 with 15 sold vehicles.

I will present the top 25 All-Time Models as of 9th of February 2024 (Transit Van jumped from position 21 with 35 sold vehicles to position 19 with 36 sold vehicles).

In the top of the producers, Mundano consolidated its 7th position by having sold 97 vehicles, Bike consolidated its 8th position by having sold 94 vehicles, while Transit jumped from position 13 with 78 sold vehicles to position 12 with 80 sold vehicles.

There are rumors that Transit will retire from production one of its models during this month.

There are now 325 vehicles with the type of plates “GraTheAut 23” (128 of them in the region of San Andreas, 112 of them in the region of Vice City and 85 of them in the region of Liberty City).

Picture #001 – #475: 2186

Picture #476: 6

Overall Models:

  1. Portsmouth Standard: 61 (33 blue, 7 grey violet, 6 violet, 3 light green, 6 beige, 2 light violet) ;
  2. Challenger VU-11: 42 (11 dark blue, 11 light blue, 6 green, 11 blue-tourquoise, 3 violet) ;
  3. Penetrator PE-1: 38 (23 green, 4 powered-blue-green, 9 powered cherry, 2 brown-beige) ;
  4. Transit Van: 36 (36 blue and white) ;
  5. Bug Model B2: 35 (5 blue, 9 dark cherry, 5 brown, 2 violet, 1 “blue 2018”, 1 striking-brown, 3 green “San Andreas”, 8 green “Vice City”, 1 light green) ;
  6. Thunderhead TH-1: 33 (21 blue, 1 light yellow, 1 light green, 5 pink, 5 white) ;
  7. Itali GTO: 32 (21 red, 10 light green, 1 light blue) ;
  8. Portsmouth Brigham: 32 (26 violet, 4 brown, 1 green-kaki, 1 violet with yellow stripes) ;
  9. Itali Squad Car: 32 (27 blue and white, 5 black and white) ;
  10. Mundano M2: 30 (2 green M2C1, 3 grey, 21 red, 1 very light green, 2 blue, 1 green M2C2) ;
  11. Stinger ST-1: 30 (3 light green, 23 red, 3 blue, 1 green) ;
  12. Penetrator Porka: 28 (19 green, 7 dark blue, 1 green “grass” with violet interior, 1 brown with purple interior) ;
  13. Jugular Mamba: 27 (8 orange, 11 red, 1 cyan, 5 light green phosphorescent, 1 pink, 1 grey) ;
  14. Transit Repair Van: 24 (24 white) ;
  15. Portsmouth Evoluta: 22 (10 beige-to-brown, 5 grey-violet, 4 violet, 3 blue) ;
  16. 4×4 Off-Road-2: 21 (5 dark cherry with black insertions, 12 green-kaki with black insertions, 4 blue with black insertions) ;
  17. Modelcar Tiny 2: 21 (12 green-white-yellow, 9 red-white-yellow) ;
  18. School Coach 2: 20 (20 silver) ;
  19. School Train Wagon MK.II: 20 (12 blue-green yellow, 8 blue-green-yellow with cherry doors) ;
  20. Regal RV2: 17 (9 brown, 4 grey, 1 light blue, 2 light green, 1 green “Veneziriza”) ;
  21. Bike BK-2: 15 (15 silver) ;
  22. Juggernaut Tanker 2: 14 (12 green-light-beige, 2 green-black light-beige) ;
  23. Oldosmobile 29 Special: 14 (3 blue, 2 pink-violet, 1 yellow-red, 8 blue with yellow stripes) ;
  24. Stinger Z292: 14 (1 red, 1 yellow, 2 beige with cherry interior, 1 greyed beige with green-yellow interior, 9 greyed green with green interior) ;
  25. Bulldog BD-B: 11 (4 blue #1, 6 violet, 1 blue-indigo) ;
  26. Challenger LeBonham: 11 (11 indiggo) ;
  27. Portsmouth Taxi Mk.II: 11 (9 yellow, 2 green) ;
  28. Challenger Vulture VU-T2 Taxi: 10 (10 yellow) ;
  29. Oldosmobile Hotrod: 10 (7 red, 1 violet, 1 green, 1 tourqoise) ;
  30. Penetrator San Andreas 2: 10 (1 green-greyed, 8 green, 1 grey) ;
  31. Pickup PU-2: 10 (3 orange, 3 red, 3 green, 1 light green) ;
  32. Juggernaut Bus: 9 (9 yellow) ;
  33. Juggernaut Fire Truck Liberty City: 9 (9 red with white) ;
  34. Pickup San Andreas 2: 9 (6 light beige, 3 light pink) ;
  35. Mundano MRacer: 8 (1 blue #2018, 6 red #2018, 1 striking-green) ;
  36. Portsmouth Limousine 2: 8 (4 violet, 2 blue with green dragon, 2 blue) ;
  37. Portsmouth Squad Car New Glen Wood: 8 (8 black and white) ;
  38. School Squad Car 2: 8 (8 white and blue) ;
  39. Flamer Sedan 2: 7 (6 red with yellow paint scheme, 1 golden with yellow paint scheme) ;
  40. Itali Standard 2: 7 (6 tourqoise, 1 red) ;
  41. Juggernaut Truck MK.II: 7 (3 blue with black, 4 yellow with black) ;
  42. Pickup PU-2A Ambulance: 7 (7 red with white) ;
  43. TV Van 2: 7 (5 pink-violet with white insertions, 2 green with white insertions) ;
  44. Itali Porka Turbo 2: 6 (6 tourquoise) ;
  45. School Train Engine MK.II: 6 (4 blue-green-yellow, 2 blue-green-yellow with cherry doors) ;
  46. SPDR SPear De Roquette: 5 (2 orange, 3 pink) ;
  47. Flamer Taxi 2: 3 (3 yellow with silver insertions) ;
  48. Flexebvan Tratran: 3 (3 blue and white) ;
  49. Juggernaut Fire Truck MK.II: 3 (3 red with white) ;
  50. Beast GTS-2: 2 (2 blue) ;
  51. Itali GTO Supercharged Turbo: 2 (2 light green) ;
  52. Thunderhead Roaster 2: 2 (2 blue)
  53. Jugular J2: 1 (1 beige).

Overall producers: 1. Portsmouth: 232; 2. School: 212; 3. Challenger: 140; 4. Bug: 131; 5. Itali: 117; 6. Pickup: 117; 7. Mundano: 97; 8. Bike: 94; 9. Penetrator: 85; 10. Regal: 84; 11. 4×4: 81; 12. Transit: 80; 13. Juggernaut: 78; 14. Jugular: 76; 15. Bulldog: 72; 16. Flamer: 72; 17. Thunderhead: 59; 18. Stinger: 52; 19. TV: 50; 20. Beast: 31; 21. Modelcar: 29; 22. Oldosmobile: 24; 23. SPDR: 5; 24. Flexebvan: 3.

Sales of Former Vehicle Producers:

  1. Counthash: 34 ;
  2. Impaler: 23 ;
  3. Nauticus Swim: 22 ;
  4. Cossie: 21 ;
  5. Stallion: 19 ;
  6. Tank: 19 ;
  7. Panther: 17 ;
  8. Speeder: 13.

This was the 11th car sales session organised this year and the second one in the suburb Coralezzo since 14th of October 2023.